Wednesday, July 30, 2008

NICU week 2

Sweet Audrey

Our sweet Audrey had a great second week...notice no oxygen and no bili-light in the picture above. She is just a sweet, precious baby that needs to grow and get stronger. My cousin, Todd Phillips, was talking to his mom about Audrey and said how amazing it will be to watch her grow and develop in the next ten weeks. We get to witness what usually is still happening in the womb. This is so true. I still get updates via email that explains how the baby is growing in utero. It's so interesting to see how Audrey would be developing if she was still in the womb. Below is where Audrey is today at 33 weeks and a comparison of where she would be if she was still in the womb.

Baby at 33 weeks in utero

  • weighs close to 4 lbs
  • just passed 17" long
  • rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look

Audrey Olivia, 33 weeks gestation

  • weighs 2 lbs. 14 oz.
  • 15" long
  • definitely still has that wrinkled, alien look (we think its sooo cute, though)

What they include about mothers at this time is really different from how I'm feeling at the moment...

Mommy-to-be at 33 weeks (and I quote)

  • may find yourself waddling or bumping into counters
  • may be feeling some achiness or even numbness
  • many women feel sexy at this stage

Me, post pregnancy

  • bumping into things, yet not because of a big belly, but due to exhaustion
  • no numbness, feeling every ache and pain.
  • feeling sexy...come on, we all know the answer to this one

On a more serious note...God is Good. I am able to smile, when I wondered if I would be capable. He has given me strength that I didn't believe was possible to possess, let alone after delivering our babies. Not only has he provided strength, he has provided a miracle. As I hold Audrey each day I realize how blessed we are to have her. She has gone through so much for someone so, so tiny. I know she has a long ways to go, yet every step she makes towards coming home causes reason to celebrate. I will never again take for granted a healthy pregnancy free of complications, seeing a baby breathe without oxygen, the seemingly simple task of nursing or drinking her first bottle. The list could go on and on. There is so much we have to be thankful for.

Thank you does not seem like enough for all the generous help friends and family have provided over the past four months. Our friends at Grace Brethren Church in Wooster have truly been a gift from God the past couple of weeks. The meals that have been brought to our family have been delicious. I appreciate these meals more than you know. It is so wonderful to be able to stay with Audrey at the hospital and know that my family will still have a warm, delicious meal. I am overwhelmed by the generosity of people that do not even know us, yet have shown so much compassion. Along with the meals it has been nice to catch up with old friends and meet new members of our church family. As for family, I cannot say enough about all the help with our boys. Lane and Dawson are going to think life is boring when Audrey comes home and they are summoned to the our house instead of being spoiled by their Aunts. It is such a safe and secure feeling knowing that my boys are not only well cared for while we're with Audrey, but that they are having such a good time as well. Hugs to each of you.

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