Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oh, what a glorious day!

What a beautiful morning! I feel like a million bucks! The birds are singing, the sun is shining and the smell of spring is in the air. Ok, not really...but, Audrey slept through the night!!!! It doesn't get much better than that! I'm used to getting up three times a night, so you can imagine how I panicked when I awoke at 3 am and realized she hasn't demanded a bottle yet. I literally jumped out of bed, ran up the stairs and put my hand on her chest...c'mon, I know you've all done it. Yep, she's breathing and she's still sleeping! Quickly, I tiptoed out of the room. Jumped back into bed, knowing that I would surely be getting up soon to feed my very hungry little girl. Not so. Again, at 5 am I jump out of bed, race upstairs and she's still sleeping. Oh, how beautiful! Back to bed. At exactly 6:10 am Audrey signals flow through the monitor letting me know it is definitely time to get up. Upstairs, my sweet Audrey just smiles, as if she knows the gift of sleep she has given me. After a quick diaper change we head downstairs to watch whatever is on our DVR, because you know there's nothing worth watching at 6 am on a Sunday. Amazing thing is she didn't even take a bottle until 7 am! So, the true test will be this something that will stick or is this a fluke like her rolling over on January 20th? Who knows? All I know is, that one night of rest sure felt great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you haven't told me this! She slept through an entire night? That's amazing! I hope that there are many more of those to come...especially when she's at my house!