Thursday, June 26, 2008

28 weeks

We have reached another milestone in this pregnancy--28 weeks!! This is a crucial time in pregnancy as 28 weeks marks brain development. I feel so fortunate to have made it this far and hope to keep our baby girl growing with my assistance for at least another six weeks.

At our appointment on June 24 she weighed in at 2 lbs. 5 oz. One might think you would be likely to gain a lot of weight on bedrest, turns out you gain more when you leave your bed and go to Hilton Head for a week. Must be all that She Crab Soup! What I wouldn't give for a bowl of that right now.

Our ultrasounds are showing some discrepancies in our due date. We have been told for awhile that it's September 15, yet the ultrasound at this appointment showed our due date at October 3. Dr. McDaniel explained that with TTTS and twins it's hard for an ultrasound to actually pick up exactly what week the baby is at. He is not concerned, however, especially since we saw good growth in all her measurements from our last ultrasound to this one.

I'll go back to Aultman on July 8 for my 30 week appointment. After that I will start going two times a week from 32 weeks on. I was shocked to hear how often we would be making the trip to Canton, between now and my due date of September 15 I have 25 appointments scheduled! At these visits they will constantly be running tests to make sure our little girl is staying strong. It seems that there will be a series of tests during each appointment. I'm very happy to hear our doctors are being proactive. I can't say enough about the MFM's at Aultman.

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