Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Ride Begins at Week 14

The 14th week of our pregnancy came and we returned to Dr. Vaccariello's office. Kevin and I were anxious to see the ultrasound pictures and hear those heartbeats. Dr. Vaccariello saw the tiny membrane that divided our twins and told us the importance of that membrane. If the membrane was not there our twins would be monoamnionic, which means they would share the same sac and risk getting tangled in each others cords.

He took all the measurements. Everything looked good except for the weight difference between the babies. He had them measuring an ounce apart which I thought sounded like a lot. He told us it was nothing to be worried about at that point but that we need to keep a close watch. If you know me at all, even if the doctor says it's nothing to worry about...I'm worrying. So, we scheduled our next appointment three weeks away at 17 weeks.

Time moves so slowly when you anticipate an event. I felt like that next appointment was as far away as the trip to Disney World was when I was a child. Would we ever get there?

At this point in my pregnancy, I think everyone was excited to see the twins in action. I had many co-pilot offers for my appointments. Mom accompanied me to this appointment and looking back God knew I would need my mom.

Dr. Vaccariello began the ultrasound and he was all business, which is not like him at all. Mom and I were curious about the sex of the babies and he quickly said it was too early to tell. My excitement turned to fear as he continued to study the ultrasound. He showed us what he was concerned about: Baby A had a very small amount of amniotic fluid, was curled up in fetal position and had a curved spine, while Baby B had a normal amount of amniotic fluid and seemed to be doing well. There was a larger discrepancy between their weight this time.

He felt it was best to send me to a specialist. It was late afternoon on a Friday, which meant we would have to wait until Monday to schedule an appointment. The anticipation and worry continued.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Twins???? Ohmigosh! That is crazy! I hope you get you some girls! Miss and love you guys!
